Perfectionist attitude: a cursed apple 1.2


         Perfectionism is like a cursed apple given to the Snow White by the Witch queen.

  Perfection has become an aim due to increase in living standards with time. This attitude is inculcated in individuals as soon as they began their schooling. Soon, this becomes a major issue when they enter adulthood with so many responsibilities and burdens. Now, if they keep on aiming for perfectionism in their work or themselves or others, they will waste time, money and other resources. 

Apart from that, being a perfectionist can sometimes even make you a 'maniac' with those burdening expectations which can't be fulfilled. This can spiral down to stress, anxiety and depression.

At this hour, 

ask yourself

"Is that really important to be on top? Am I sacrificing my mental peace and happiness to get the perfect work, score or relationship?"

"What is perfect in the very first place to start with?"

In reality it's 


Just our own and expectations from the society.


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