God Is An Algorithm

"It all starts with believing in our destiny that whatever has been done is good for us and whatever has not been done is still better."

Whenever I look upon my current life compared to my past it always seems better.
I won't say everyone to start comparing their past with present because you may have gain some and may have lost the other but rather state that, gratitude considerably leads to happiness and contentment.
My friend jokes about my behaviour of  connecting the dots in everything. Yeah, I won't deny my habit to see patterns in things, people, and life too.

But ain't it true, that practicing gratitude removes down a thousand kilo burden upon our lives? 

Yesterday, I was looking at a cat in my garden and wondering that this cat could have been my boyfriend at some point of life in the my birth cycle. Now don't ask me why only boyfriend?.. I have an inbuilt romanticism...girls generally have it! 
At the same time, I was thankful to be born as a human with endless possibilities. I can act like a cat but cat can't act like a human..! :P

On a serious note, here I'm talking about God not as a spiritual power or entity but as an algorithm where everything seems to connected based upon our thoughts and actions. See if, so and so incident never happened in your life, you would never have been this kind of person you're now, or if you never had met that person...

Every step has some consequences, seems like the Butterfly effect.

It is said that most of the universe is just chaos. In all the chaos, I would like to stage the orderliness which is still far to be fully understood by us but still we're experiencing it.



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