How to use 'defence mechanisms' in a healthy way? 1.1

We all want to live a happier, healthier and satisfied life. It all depends on our perception.'m not talking about thousands of reasons which are outside of you (like circumstances, people, time, things) on which you blame why you behaved the way you do.

So what are defence mechanisms of our mind? Well, these are like psychological shields against our anxiety or discomfort. Basically, we use it protect ourselves from taking the blame for our wrong acts or the circumstances that have gone wrong for us.

Some of the mature defense mechanisms that we may use to protect ourselves from guilt, anxiety or even blaming others and things which are unlikely to go the expected way, these are :

1. Humor
Having a sense of humor makes things light and life a little more breathable. Laugh at your own mistakes. :-)

2. Sublimation  (-) ---------->(+)
Consciously or unconsiously channeling our instinctual drives into acceptable activities. For instance, agressiveness might be transformed into competitiveness in bussiness and sports.

3. Suppression
Voluntary rejection of unacceptable thoughts or feelings from concious awareness. Concious thoughts are pushed to unconcious mind.

4. Altruism
When we are in the service of people, we actually feel fulfilled, gain pleasure and satisfaction.

Living is an art. Learn to live well. Peace.🥀


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