
Showing posts from August, 2021

Listen to your heart

We all struggle between whether to listen to heart or mind.  When mind is full of negative thoughts it is always better to choose what the heart says, what the heart wants to feel.  The gloomy days are over now, rise up and heal. When you are doubting yourself, you are making your soul feel powerless and deep inside you are hurting yourself. Sometimes accepting the reality is the only option, you can't always run away or look upto everyone for help. All you can do is look within and trust the process. 

Searching for love

 Even surrounded by almost everyone you might feel so lonely at times. Sometimes you are just tired of everything. Waiting for just one magic to happen. Somebody to fill your heart with love. Love is all what you hope for. Love that binds everything. You see love in everyone's heart but not yours. You are searching for somebody to uplift your heart. And in your search you stumble, you break and you fall. You ask yourself again and again how can I love where I was broken. How can I forget all the hate. How could I hate and how could I forget what I valued. I had lost myself all in vain.